Kvinnelighet i teatrets univers

IATC – International Association of Theatre Critics – møtes i år i Jerevan i Armenia fra 15. til 20. juni. Vi norske teaterkritikere er dessverre sørgelig lite aktive i internasjonal sammeheng, og er langt fra alltid representert på de årlige kongressene. Hovedtema for årets kongress er både aktuelt og spennende: «Redefining Femininity in Today’s Theatre». Innlederne kommer fra kulturer med svært ulikt kvinnesyn: Frankrike, India, Portugal, Latvia, Iran, Canada, USA, Hellas, Japan, Korea, Kina, Sverige og Ungarn, og debatten skal strekke seg over hele tre dager. Les detaljene i programmet her.

4. juni 2010

Redefining Femininity in Today’s Theatre
IATC Congress Theme, Yerevan, Armenia
15-20 June, 2010

The concept of femininity seeks in today’s theatre its own place, language, identity and expression. In the 21st century, it has reemerged as a creative issue. In a sense, even the masculine subject is isolated in the phallocentric system. «Alliance», for example, is emphasized over «self» as a recurring theme, «difference» over «homogeneity», «sense and experience» over «abstraction», as well as «nature» over «civilization». Can we characterize and explain the various phenomena of this 21st century concept of femininity?

Some of the main elements characterizing the changing theatrical models which have emerged or developed under the aegis or influence of this new paradigm seem to encompass new subject matter; changes in plot and character; new developments and thinking in terms of the relationships between body and language; shifts in the encounters between the performers and the spectators; a reordering of the symbolic and thematic structures; a recognition of «the other»; poetic attention and expression to individuality and everyday-ness; fresh perspectives on the roles of memory, politics, gender, class, race, and family.

SESSION I, June 16, Wednesday, 10-13:
Chair: Margareta Sörenson
Maria Helena Serôdio, Portugal, Editor Critical Stages, Honorary General Secretary:
Reframing the Feminine: Some Classical Heroines on the Contemporary Stage
Jean-Pierre Han, France, vice president IATC:
The Position of Femininity in French Theatre
Ravi Chaturvedi, India:
The Emergence of the New Woman: Reflections on Indian Theatre in the 21st Century
Guna Zeltina, Latvia:
The Emergence of the Concept of Femininity in Latvian Theatre
Katy Salmasi, Iran:
Feminism, Art and Theatre in Iran
Deepa Ganesh, India :
The Woman’s Voice in Indian Theatre

SESSION II, Wednesday 15-17:
Chair: Jean-Pierre Han
Birgitte Purkhardt, Québec, Canada:
The Evolution of the Female Character in the Imagination of Québec’s Playwrights
Patricia Keeney, Canada:
Where the Wild Things are: A Study on Canadian Playwright Judith Thomson
Randy Gener, USA:
Women and War: On Lynn Nottage’s Ruined
Savas Patsalidis, Greece :
Recontextualizing Sacrifice, Revenge and Power: Ellen MacLaughlin’s Iphigenia and Other Daughters
Akiko Tachiki, Japan:
Femininity/Masculinity: Beyond the Border

SESSION III, Thursday 10-13:
Chair: Randy Gener

Ravinder Kaul, India:
Redefining Femininity in Indian Modern Theatre
Margareta Sörenson, Sweden, vice president IATC:
Femininity and Body Language, Reflections on Pina Bausch and Mats Ek
Jae-Min Shim, Korea:
Lee Breuer’s Dollhouse
Zhu Ning, China:
The Female Directors in the New Theatre Market
Zane Radzobe, Latvia:
Redefining Feminine: National Romanticism in Three Performances by Alvis Hermanis
Magdalona Jakfalvi, Hungary:
The Women, The Regimes
Philip Zitowitz, Japan:
On the Geisha Today

Discussion and closure of the conference